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How Can Patch Management Navigate the Cybersecurity Minefield?


Unpatched Vulnerabilities In today's digital-first world, the landscape of cybersecurity threats is evolving at an unprecedented pace. Among the myriad of vulnerabilities that organizations face, unpatched software vulnerabilities stand out as one of the most significant and [...]

How Can Patch Management Navigate the Cybersecurity Minefield?2024-04-16T13:33:41-07:00

Why is Patch Management Critical for your Business?


What is Patch Management? Patch management is a critical practice to ensure the security, stability, and compliance of computer systems. It involves a systematic approach to identifying, evaluating, testing, and deploying patches while minimizing disruptions to business operations. However, [...]

Why is Patch Management Critical for your Business?2024-01-09T21:21:10-08:00

What is Enterprise Patch Management?


What is Enterprise Patch Management (a.k.a. the application of software security updates according to NIST SP 800-40r4)? The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) just released Report 800-40r4: Guide to Enterprise Patch Management Planning: Preventive Maintenance for Technology. [...]

What is Enterprise Patch Management?2022-04-08T13:23:38-07:00

Software Patch Management is Geographically Undesirable


Many organizations continue to find themselves between a rock and hard-place when it comes to consistently applying security updates or “patches” across their environments. On one hand, they recognize their unpatched software exposes them to risk of a disruptive and [...]

Software Patch Management is Geographically Undesirable2020-03-27T17:06:52-07:00

Why are Patch Management and Change Management Important?


Alvaka Networks has arguably the best and most sophisticated patch management process in the Orange County, Los Angeles County and possibly the US.  Not many firms can deploy vast quantities of patches to valuable high availability servers and PCs with smoke testing qualify control while following the sun globally during selected narrow service windows.

Change Management
Change management is vital to every stage of the patch management process. As with all system modifications, patches and updates must be performed and tracked through the change management system. It is highly unlikely that an enterprise-scale patch management program can be successful without proper integration with the change management system and organization.

Like any environmental changes, patch application plans submitted through change management must have associated contingency and backout plans. What are the recovery plans if something goes wrong during or as a result of the application of a patch or update? Also, information on risk mitigation should be included in the change management solution. For example, how are desktop patches going to be phased and scheduled to prevent mass outages and support desk overload? Monitoring and acceptance plans should also be included in the change management process. How will updates be certified as successful? There should be specific milestones and acceptance criteria to guide the verification of the patches' success and to allow for the closure of the update in the change management system....

Why are Patch Management and Change Management Important?2021-01-27T21:42:49-08:00

Why Firewall Patching (Updating Firmware) is Critical for Your Business


Firewall patching (updating firmware) is one of the most prudent aspects of network security management that, if neglected, can have dire consequences for your company. Now more than ever, consistent firewall patching is a must have for every business, big [...]

Why Firewall Patching (Updating Firmware) is Critical for Your Business2022-02-27T23:57:39-08:00

Vulnerability Management as a Service


Alvaka Network Solutions Vulnerability Management as a Service Alvaka offer a suite of technologies which ensure the integrity of your network, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year Learn more [...]

Vulnerability Management as a Service2024-04-22T19:12:17-07:00

Notice of Emergency Windows/Internet Explorer Security Patch


Overview of Windows/Internet Explorer Security Patch Microsoft has advised Windows/Internet Explorer users to install an “emergency” out-of-band security patch (i.e. not released on patch-Tuesday) for a recently detected Zero-Day-Exploit (i.e an exploit that has already been actively used prior [...]

Notice of Emergency Windows/Internet Explorer Security Patch2021-01-28T20:30:20-08:00

Are One in Three Breaches Really Caused by Unpatched Vulnerabilities?


Oli Thordarson, CEO of Alvaka Networks, begs to differ... This is an interesting article I read in ZDnet, Cybersecurity: One in three breaches are caused by unpatched vulnerabilities, about software vulnerability patching. I found it interesting because I took [...]

Are One in Three Breaches Really Caused by Unpatched Vulnerabilities?2021-09-09T23:16:16-07:00

The Importance of Third-Party Software Patching


And Why Executives Should Care... Threats to network security seem to get announced weekly. Global ransomware attacks like WannaCry cause havoc around the world and billions of dollars in losses. Businesses are actually shuttering due to network attacks that [...]

The Importance of Third-Party Software Patching2021-01-27T21:17:55-08:00