Worry-Free & Secure IT Solutions
Alvaka helps companies manage and secure their IT infrastructure, focusing on today’s businesses and enterprises that run 24/7, by providing 24x7x365 guaranteed live support!
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Since our founding in 1982, Alvaka has been 100% committed to helping clients work more efficiently and cost effectively, so they can focus on growing their business, not their IT budget and staff. We have led our industry in the area of Advanced Network Management (managed services) and continue that leadership. While others are now speaking our language, they are years behind in having a defined and repeatable model with the experience and longevity that we have proven. They simply do not have the tested and perfected people and processes that we use every day to provide affordable premium services to our clients.
A Message from our CEO
You are probably here at my CEO message because you have a pressing IT concern. We don’t get visitors to this website unless they are feeling Information Technology pain and there is urgency to resolve that pain. Over my nearly 40 years in the IT profession, I see visitors come to Alvaka because they are wondering what to do about their network that is down, someone is stealing from their company or they had a big security breach. Other times they are frustrated with how their network is running and they don’t feel they are getting the results they need from their IT department. Sometimes the problem is that the IT person just quit or has been fired. Or maybe you are a software consultant and you are tired of your client blaming your software when you know the problem is rooted in the network. Well I have good news for you. Alvaka fixes all of that.
Most of Alvaka clients have their own IT staff. IT staff at any company is an invaluable asset. But sometimes there are problems. We help frustrated executives overcome the fears and frustrations they feel from being held hostage by the mysteries surrounding their Information Technology so they can get back to controlling costs, making money and rest-assured that their business is running smoothly. We help them get back to controlling costs, making money and being confident that their business is running smoothly.
Almost always, the IT team can use a little help. Alvaka brings that help you need. We want to see you less frustrated and more focused on the things that will grow your company. At Alvaka we are uniquely positioned to help you. We are staffed 24×7 with U.S based workers right here in Irvine, California. Yes, we have real live domestic workers on the clock, at phones and keyboards waiting to help you 24x7x365. There is no off-shoring of the personnel or call centers that have to track down someone who is on call. We have a Network Operations Center that is staffed around the clock to make sure your networks are running like a champ.
If you want to get back to focusing on growing your business and let go of your concerns with IT, then give Alvaka a call at 949 428-5000 or write to me directly at oli@alvaka.net. Let’s chat and see what Alvaka can do for you.
The secret for success at Alvaka is IP. I am not referring to Internet Protocol. I am referring to “Innovation and People”. As a recognized market leader and pioneering IT managed services provider, our success hinges on our ability to innovate new ideas and continue our investment in the right people. At Alvaka, we have created a culture that aligns the cross hairs of Innovation and People with the needs of the companies that we do business with every day. We are acutely aware that it takes careful alignment to earn the privilege of living our core company values. That is, “To provide our clients leadership, and to earn their trust and confidence.” Only when we have earned this privilege, can we be true to our other company values and achieve our goals. Most people associate innovation with successful product development-oriented companies. At Alvaka, we believe that in the rapidly changing computing industry, services and consulting companies must also innovate to best serve clients and maintain a competitive edge. Our unique service products, like our award-winning AlvakaNet services, coupled with our unique processes and unwavering ethics, provide our clients with the confidence that they will receive the best available solutions.
I can speak a great deal about our people. I am proud of them all. Alvaka’s staff works hard to carefully choose the best people for each position. At times this means we may go longer without filling a position so that we can get just the right person, but it is well worth the wait. We have a great company culture at Alvaka, because of our people. Nobody here wants to jeopardize that. I find it difficult to articulate fully, but some of those working for me, tell me that Alvaka is more like family than a place to work. This family atmosphere produces a lot of valuable outcomes.
“The secret for success at Alvaka is IP. I am not referring to Internet Protocol. I am referring to Innovation and People”
— Oli Thordarson
Our people are happy and rewarded in their work. I work hard at achieving this result. Turnover is expensive, not only for us, but for you too. How many times have you felt that you had finally found someone that you can trust and rely upon, only to be disappointed when this valued person moves on? This forces you to start all over in finding that perfect fit. At Alvaka, we don’t appreciate when that happens either. Clients have told us in focus groups and interviews that “Alvaka’s people work hard and get the job done.” and that “They don’t fumble around and jabber with our staff.” That is because we recognize that doing so wastes time and money. Alvaka’s engineers and consultants have earned a reputation for being knowledgeable, straightforward and hardworking. This is no accident. I am a firm believer in aligning compensation systems tightly with the desired results. We expect a great deal from our people. From this compensation system, we produce exemplary results from our personnel. Alvaka is at the top of the market curve for productivity and customer service in our industry. Our staff members are fulfilled by the challenges and opportunities that they experience, and it shows in their work.
Another one of our company values is to help our employees grow to be more than they ever thought they could be. This is one of the most intangible and difficult values for me to measure. I have asked myself frequently, “How do I really know if we are achieving this goal?” My best measures are staff turnover, promotions and growth in personal compensation. If the employees are working to move up, and staying with the company, they must be feeling personally rewarded. Personal reward is usually not found in compensation alone, but professional growth too. I have found that most computer industry professionals want to be constantly challenged by learning new things. I provide that for them at Alvaka. I believe that if year-after-year our people are not becoming more indispensable to Alvaka, and our clients, they must not be growing. By being committed to our employee’s success, I earn the privilege to ask for commitment back. I think this immutable value was lost in the 90’s and continues to fade as we progress into the new millennium. It is not old-fashioned; it’s just good business to believe that mutual respect and commitment are what makes for good relationships at work and with clients. From this perspective, it’s all pretty simple for us at Alvaka, and we believe this shines through every day with our clients too.
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