What Are The Most Common Passwords?

A password is security in its most standard and basic form. Passwords are a fundamental aspect of computer security and are used to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.The idea is that only individuals who know the correct password should [...]

What Are The Most Common Passwords?2023-12-18T20:34:37-08:00

New password guidelines from the US federal government via NIST

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has issued new guidelines regarding secure passwords. Who is NIST? NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency whose purpose is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by [...]

New password guidelines from the US federal government via NIST2023-02-07T07:44:11-08:00

Password Tip and Weekly Tips on Smart Business Practices

David Berkus writes a very good weekly blog on “cutting edge business success tips.”  The series of blogs is called Berkonomics and it is worth your time to go there and register to receive the weekly e-mails.  Here is an example of his writing on the topic of “Switching Costs.”  You can sign-up HERE.  Dave’s series of blogs is also available in three Berkonomics books.

While I love reading Dave’s blogs and I am therefore sharing the information above, my main reason for writing this blog today is to share another piece of the endless wisdom that comes from Dave.  This week his blog e-mail started with this paragraph:

First, let me PLEAD with you to take care with your email and strengthen your email password. A clever hacker invaded....

Password Tip and Weekly Tips on Smart Business Practices2015-06-10T17:00:00-07:00