Conducting a Ransomware Threat Assessment

Understanding the Rising Tide of Ransomware Ransomware threat assessment is becoming increasingly paramount as the digital landscape evolves. We live in an era where cyber threats are not just imminent but also sophisticated, with ransomware leading the charge. The insidious [...]

Conducting a Ransomware Threat Assessment2024-08-30T12:03:17-07:00

BlueCross BlueShield Announces August 5th Data Breach Discovery

Tustin, CA - The most interesting part of this BlueCross BlueShield announcement is not that they found the breach on August 5th.  What is interesting when you read further into the announcement is that they say “Our investigation further revealed [...]

BlueCross BlueShield Announces August 5th Data Breach Discovery2017-09-18T00:38:04-07:00

Purpose, Mastery and Autonomy in Managing IT Infrastructure

I love Daniel Pink’s writings.  I thought I would share this article from  The message about Purpose, Mastery and Autonomy I reread from time to time.  The message is short, but it rings so true for me.  The most [...]

Purpose, Mastery and Autonomy in Managing IT Infrastructure2023-08-11T01:39:57-07:00

How Frequently Should I Do a Review or Assessment of My IT Systems?

...this then puts all the burden and stigma on Alvaka, our engineer and our NetPlan program.  That fuels some of the debate we have with some clients.  I remember two separate debates with a controller at a 20 year long client.  He said he “should not have to pay for us to check our own work.”  I have two answers for that objection:

1.        He has two of his own guys that work on his IT system, along with other vendors.  His employees can do things unintentionally, etc.  This is not about checking on our Alvaka engineer.  It is all about checking the overall integrity and operational state of his IT system, which has changing needs over time and changes due to different people touching it.  It is simply a matter of doing a periodic review to make sure nothing is getting missed or looking for things that need to be done a different way.  Changing and updating tape/disk backup jobs to accommodate new servers and software is a classic example.  Without review these jobs don’t often get updated and that leads to tragic results down the road.  I have seen it way too many times in 30 years.  It is preventable.

2.       Even if a client does not have their own IT staff, it is prudent to periodically check IT systems to make sure everything is working right, that the current needs are being met and that important requirements/practices are not getting overlooked or wrongly....

How Frequently Should I Do a Review or Assessment of My IT Systems?2014-12-04T16:00:00-08:00

Here is an important tax reminder for Information Technology related spending

Under Section 179, your business is eligible to deduct up to $25,000 worth of equipment as long as it is purchased and operational by December 31, 2014.Phones, computers, software, office equipment and office furniture qualify for this deduction. If you [...]

Here is an important tax reminder for Information Technology related spending2014-12-02T17:33:00-08:00

What is Change Management and Why is it Important?

In the past two weeks I have witnessed a couple of contrasting situations involving configuration changes in IT.  In one environment the client has a strict adherence to the practice of using Change Management in all their IT operations.  In the other operation the client has been reluctant to embrace Change Management.  When it came time for one of those inevitable problems that occasionally hit the Information Infrastructure, the outcomes for the two firms was very different.

What is change management?

Here is the definition from Wikipedia based upon the industry standard Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).

Change management is an IT service management discipline. The objective of change management in this context is to ensure that standardized methods and procedures are used for efficient and prompt handling of all changes to control IT infrastructure, in order to minimize the number and impact of any related incidents upon service. Changes in the IT infrastructure may arise reactively in response to problems or externally imposed requirements, e.g. legislative changes, or proactively from seeking improved efficiency and effectiveness or to enable or reflect business initiatives, or from programs, projects or service improvement initiatives. Change Management can ensure standardized methods, processes and procedures which are used for all changes, facilitate efficient and prompt handling of all changes, and maintain the proper balance between the need for change and the potential detrimental impact of changes.

A change is an event that is....

What is Change Management and Why is it Important?2018-01-29T23:25:38-08:00

6 signs that you need a new IT strategy

1. Key IT constituencies are expressing dissatisfaction

2. Shadow IT is growing

3. Your IT strategy has diverged from the company strategy

6 signs that you need a new IT strategy2014-04-10T01:09:22-07:00

Selling to the LOB manager: Reseller, beware

At many businesses, line-of-business managers and staff are making decisions to move mission-critical and often sensitive data to the cloud, and they're performing local installs without the knowledge of the IT department. Read more: Alvaka Networks is available to [...]

Selling to the LOB manager: Reseller, beware2018-05-07T09:15:53-07:00

6 common IT practices that should be eliminated

Here is a good mrc Cup of Joe Blog about time wasting tasks in IT. I was asked to submit a suggestion for the article.  It is a quick read on six things you can do to stop wasting time [...]

6 common IT practices that should be eliminated2023-08-10T23:36:16-07:00