How to Control Damage After a Cyber Breach

Understanding the Impact of Cyber Breaches In the era of digital transformations, the story of a high-profile cyber breach is a chilling reminder of the fragility of cyber infrastructures. Consider the case when a leading corporation fell victim to a [...]

How to Control Damage After a Cyber Breach2024-09-06T11:25:15-07:00

Developing a Cyber Breach Communication Strategy

Understanding the Gravity of Cybersecurity Breaches Cyber breach communication strategy begins with a grim acceptance: data breaches and cyber-attacks have become a when, not if, scenario for organizations across all sectors. In this digital age, our operations hinge on the [...]

Developing a Cyber Breach Communication Strategy2024-09-04T11:30:17-07:00

Understanding Rhysida Ransomware: A Comprehensive Guide to This Emerging Threat

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, ransomware continues to be a prominent weapon used by cybercriminals to disrupt businesses and organizations. Among the latest ransomware families making headlines is Rhysida, a sophisticated strain that leverages advanced tools and techniques [...]

Understanding Rhysida Ransomware: A Comprehensive Guide to This Emerging Threat2024-08-14T11:53:31-07:00

Emergency Help for Fortinet Ransomware & Cyber Breach Recovery

FortiOS Ransomware and Cyber Breach Vulnerabilities are Back! Fortinet is again the target of hackers, ransomware hackers specifically. Fortinet’s big problem is a zero-day buffer overflow vulnerability in FortiOS. We have seen that it is already leading to breached [...]

Emergency Help for Fortinet Ransomware & Cyber Breach Recovery2023-02-20T20:58:50-08:00

Ransomware Attacks Trending Towards Mid-Sized Targets

Last year, there was considerable evolution in terms of ransomware trends and techniques. In the US, and abroad, we saw many high-impact attacks being carried out against critical infrastructure entities. These highly disruptive and highly publicized attacks brought increased pressure [...]

Ransomware Attacks Trending Towards Mid-Sized Targets2022-04-08T17:42:12-07:00

Ransomware Attack: Should I Contact the FBI and Law Enforcement?

If your company was hit with ransomware, you might be wondering if you should contact the FBI after a ransomware attack, or other law enforcement. The quick answer is mostly yes, but with important caveats to consider. Because of the [...]

Ransomware Attack: Should I Contact the FBI and Law Enforcement?2024-01-08T12:08:35-08:00

What to Expect from Your Cyber Breach Insurance Policy

The last two years have been a bloodshed for cyber breach insurers. From 2016 through 2019, the payouts on each dollar of cyber breach insurance billed ranged from $0.43 to $0.48. In other [...]

What to Expect from Your Cyber Breach Insurance Policy2024-03-14T00:00:08-07:00

Yes, You Need Cyber Breach Insurance!

Is Your Business More Likely to Burn Down, or Get Hit with a Cyber Attack? What is most likely to happen to your business in the next two years? Will it burn down, or will you experience a cyber [...]

Yes, You Need Cyber Breach Insurance!2022-10-18T23:16:32-07:00

Machine Learning and AI in Cybersecurity

In this blog, we’ll discuss machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), and how it’s currently being used in cybersecurity. Keep an eye out towards the end as WorkDone CEO, Joe Rogers, will join us in the discussion of [...]

Machine Learning and AI in Cybersecurity2022-02-28T00:06:35-08:00

2020 Saw a 320% increase in Ransomware Incidents

It’s no doubt that 2020 was a tough year for everyone, and even more so for information security professionals. In fact, 2020 saw the highest increased rates of ransomware incidents than any other year. The onslaught of phishing scams, [...]

2020 Saw a 320% increase in Ransomware Incidents2022-02-28T00:14:31-08:00